Lonjsko polje: it is one of the biggest and best-preserved natural flood areas in Europe. Floodplain forests of pedunculate oak and narrow-leaved ash growing in the area are highly representative deciduous forest complexes, not merely at the level of Europe, but throughout the Western Palearctic. Lonjsko polje enjoys is one of the last areas in Europe where traditional grazing is still preserved, and livestock still roams freely on large joint pastures; on top of that, it has the first declared “stork village” in Europe... Whether by foot, bike, canoe, river ferry or boat, you are free to discover the uniqueness of Lonjsko polje for yourself. Lonjsko Polje Nature Park is home to biggest complexes of natural and preserved floodplain forests in Europe. That fact alone is sufficient to sense the importance and uniqueness of this area for Croatian, but also for European biodiversity. With the surface of 50,650 hectares, it is one of the biggest protected wetland areas in the Danube basin. Two areas within the Park, the localities of Krapje Đol and Rakita, are special ornithological reserves, Krapje Đol being the first such reserve established in Croatia. There is also the village known for its storks – Čigoč. At the initiative of the EuroNatur Foundation dedicated to the protection of European natural heritage, Čigoč was awarded the title of the European Stork Village. Many houses and barns have stork nests, with almost one hundred storks in around thirty active nests. Numerous ethnographic collections include traditional furniture, tools and textiles. Tradition also lives on through intangible cultural heritage: dance, songs and oral tradition.


Offer, beauties and interesting things
  • educational trails
  • education in nature
  • guided tours
  • lowland riparian forests
  • wet grasslands
  • ornithological reserve of Krapje Đol
  • Čigoč village
  • storks
  • Jasenovac Memorial Center
  • Roman complex of Ciglenice
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • boat trips
  • animal watching
  • horse riding


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